1.A collection of  : một bộ sưu tập : 
Our platoon consisted of a collection of farm boys from different areas around the country. 
2.A sense of achievement : cảm giác thành đạt. 
Finishing graduate school gave Mike a sense of achievement . 
3.A variety of : đa dạng. 
This store offers a variety of electronic items. 
4.Abide by : tuân thủ , tuân theo. 
You must abide by the contract. 
5.Account for :  giải thích, chiếm ( %..)
I can account for my lateness. 
6.Add flavor to sth :  thêm  hương vị...
Mike and Nancy  are taking an evening class together in order to add to flavor to their marriage . 
7.Apply for : nộp đơn
Do we need to apply for a license to fish in this river ? 
8.As a matter of fact :  trên thực tế, sự thật...
As a matter of fact, I dont really like japanese food. 
9.As a result of :  do kết quả của, vì...,
The company’s quality standards went down as a result of in new untrained workers. 
10.As needed : phòng khi cần
you can out paper in the printer as needed. 
11.At a discount : hạ gía, giảm gía. 
We bought these car parts at a discount. 
12.At sb’s expense : bằng mồ hôi, nước mắt của ai đó. 
It’s not funny. You’re making the joke at your son’s expense. 
13.Attract criticism :  gây chỉ trích
If the company does not support enviromental initiatives, it will attract criticism. 
14.Attract one’s attention :  thu hút sự chú ý. 
The billboard attracts our attention. 
15.Be accustomed to : quen với...
Mr. Mike is accustomed to these very formal events. 
16.Ba aware of :  biết, nhận thức, nhận thấy. 
Are you aware of the extra hours that come with the position ? 
17.Be filled to capacity : đầy chổ
The stadium was filled to capacity. 
18.Be high on the agenda :  trọng yếu .
Getting the buget passed will be high on the agenda. 
19.Be in the red : mắc nợ, làm ăn thua lỗ
I wouldn’t invest in this company if I were you. They’ve been in the red for the past seven years. 

20.Be made of : được làm bằng
The desks are all made of dark wood, which looks very professional. 
21.Be ready for : sẵn sàng
Are you ready for retirement ? 
22.Bind sb to Vo : bắt buộc làm..
The contract binds Alex to play for the Giants for the next six years. 
23.Bring in : đem lại.. 
Answering the phone quickly helps a business bring in more sales. 
24.Bring together : tập hợp lại..
All her old colleagues were brought together for her retirement party. 
25.Bring sth under control : kiểm soát ...
The firefighters worked throughout the night to bring the fire under control. 
26.Bring up : nêu lên, đưa ra ( vấn đề )
Does anyone want to bring up anything else before we close the meeting ? 
27.Broaden one’s horizons: mở rộng tầm nhìn
The reason Mike is traveling around the world is the he hopes to broaden his horizons. 
28.Build up : xây dựng, thành lập. 
She has built up an extensive protfolio over the years. 
29.Cash on delivery : trả tiền lúc nhận hàng. 
Payment for this item will be cash on delivery .
30.Carry out : tiến hành. 
The officer carried out the assginment in a professional manner. 
31.Check in : đăng ký, ghi tên khi đến. 
You need  check in first, or you won’t be able to get on the phone. 
32.Come as a surprise : bất ngờ, đáng ngạc nhiên. 
I didn’t know that you were married. Thet really comes as a surprise. 
33.Come to an agreement : đạt được thỏa thuận. 
We still haven’t come to an agreement  with our supplier. 
34.Come under scrutiny : dưới sự kiểm soát. 
The accounting practices of that company have come under scrutiny recently. 
35.Come up with : đưa ra, nghĩ ra. 
We dicussed my salary and came up with something we were both happy with. 
36.Compromise with sb on sth : nhất trí với ai về...
I dont think the opposition party will compromise with the ruling party on this new health bill. 
37.Concentrate on : tập trung 
Justin has a lot of trouble concentrating on his homework. 
38.Deal with : giải quyết, xử lý. 
I prefer to go on organized tours so i dont have to deal with the planning. 
39.Deduct A from B : giảm từ B xuống A
The accountants says they’re going to deduct $20 from my salary. 
40.Demand a refund : đòi trả tiền lại 
Chris demanded a refund for all the faulty toys his wife had bought at the store. 
41.Drive a hard bargain : trả giá
Eric knocked thirty percent off the original price. He drives a hard bargain. 
42.Drive sb to distraction : khiến ai đó phát điên
The noise form the construction going on next door is driving me to distraction. 
43.Fail to : quên
The florist failed to bring the flowers on time, so I dont think we should pay for him. 
44.Fall into : xếp loại . 
I dont know what kind of music falls into a specific category. 
45.Figure out : hiểu ra, tìm ra, giải quyết.
I can’t figure out how to use this fax machine. 
46.Fill out : điền vào 
Please fill out the tax form using a black pen. 
47.Follow a procedure : tuân theo thủ tục, quy trình...
Being a phone operator requires following a procedure. 
48.Follow up : bồi thêm, thêm vào 
It’s important to follow up an interview with the thank- you e-mail. 
49.For the duration ( of sth ) : khoảng của việc gì , suốt....
E.g : as the office was freezing, Wendy felt uncomfortable for the duration of the meeting. 

50.Gather around : tập hợp xung quanh
E.g : We gathered around the Christmas tree to open presents. 

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