Shopping: Mua sắm
– Bargain (n) something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer: mặc cả
– Bear (v) to have a tolerance for, to endure: chịu đựng
– Behavior (n) the manner of one’s action: cách ứng xử, đối xử
– Checkout (n) the act, time, or place of checking out, as at a hotel or a supermarket: thanh toán, quầy thanh toán
– Comfort (n) a condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentment: thỏai mái, dễ dàng
– Comfortable (adj) comfortably (adv)
– Expand (v) to increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; to enlarge: nới rộng
– Expansion(n) expanded (adj)
– Explore (v) to investigate systematically: thăm dò, khảo sát
– Exploration(n) exploratory (adj)
– Item (n) a single article or unit: mặt hàng
– Mandatory (adj) required or commanded, obligatory: bắt buộc
– Merchandise (n) items available in stores: hàng hóa mua bán
– Strict (adj) precise. exact: chặt chẽ
– Strictness(n) strictly (adv)
– Trend (n) the current style: xu hướng, xu thế