Banking: Ngành ngân hàng
– Accept (v)to receive, to respond favorably: đồng ý, chấp thuận
– Acceptance(n) acceptable (adj)
– Balance (n) the remainder, (v) to compute the difference between credits and debits of an account.Số dư (tài khoản)
– Borrow (v)to use temporarily: vay mượn
– Cautious (adj) Careful, wary: thận trọng
– Deduct (v)to take away from a total, to subtract: khấu trừ
– Deductible(n) deduction(n)
– Dividend (n) a share in a distribution: tiền lãi cổ phần
– Down payment (n) an initial partial payment: sự trả trước 1 phần khi mua hàng
– Mortgage (n) the amount due on a property, (v) to borrow money with your house as collateral.cầm cố, thế chấp
– Restriction (n) a limitation: giới hạn,hạn chế
– Restrict (v) restricted (adj)
– Signature (n) the name of a person written by the person: chữ ký
– Sign(n) (v)
– Take out (v)withdraw, remove: rút tiền
– Transaction (n) a business deal: giao dịch