Eating out: ăn bên ngoài
– Basic (adj), serving as a starting point or basis: cơ bản, căn bản
– Complete (adj), having all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps: hoàn thành
– Completion(n), completely (adv), sự hoàn thành, hoàn thành
– Excite (v), to arouse an emotion: kích động
– Excitement(n), exciting (adj),
– Flavor (n) a distinctive taste: vị ngọt, mùi thơm phảng phất
– Forget (v), to be unable to remember: quên
– Forgetful (adj), forgettable (adj),
– Ingredient (n) an element in a mixture: thành phần
– Judge (v), to form an opinion: đánh giá
– Mix-up (n) a confusion; (v), to confuse: lẫn lộn, bối rối
– Patron (n) a customer, especially a regular customer: khách hàng quen
– Predict (v), to state, tell about, or make known in advance: dự đoá(n) dự báo
– Prediction(n), predictable (adv),
– Random (adj), having no specific patter(n) purpose, or objective: ngẫu nhiê(n) tình cờ
– Remind (v), to cause to remember: nhắc nhở